1. Christina, my roommate in DF, and I in front of the Palacio de las Bellas Artes where we watched the Ballet Folklórico in Mexico City.
2. Christina in Taxco, the silver mining town, with the indigenious market, town, and surrounding mountains behind her.
3. The church in Taxco, the mountains, and the old VW bugs that are still in use throughout Mexico. Who knew so many of these cars could survive the wear and tear of the years! These bugs are being used as taxis, a common sight in both Taxco and the DF.
4. Part of the mural, "Sueño de una tarde dominical en la Almeda" or "Dream of a Sunday afternoon in the Almeda," by Diego Rivera. This part shows a man asleep on a bench, dreaming of the Zapatistas (the man on the horse and the other soliders above the sleeping man), indigenous people being expelled from the park by a solider (you can only see his hand in this picture), which was for the educated society (in the bottom center of the picture), and some of Diego Rivera's family on the right side; the woman with a baby is one of his wives. There's a lot more just in this part of the mural, which is about a quarter of the entire thing, but I can't remember who everyone is.
5.The Ballet Folklórico (folkloric ballet) in the Palacio de las Bellas Artes in Mexico City.
6. The group on the steps of La Pirámide de la Luna in Teotihaucán.
7. Courtney reaching the top of the Pirámide de la Luna in Teotihaucán.
8. Cassandra on top of the Pirámide de la Luna with the Pirámide del Sol behind her and the Plaza de la Luna below her. The main avenue between the two pyramids is the Avenida de la Muerte.
9. La Pirámide de la Luna from the top of the Pirámide del Sol.
10. The Palace of Queztalpapálotl with the figures of the gods Tláloc, god of rain, on the left, and Queztalcóatl, god of war or of knowledge, on the right.
11. The restaurant inside a cave where we ate lunch near the archeological site of Teotihuacán. The cave was used in pre-Hispanic times as a storage place for food and as the location for a market. Today it is a neat (though expensive) restaurant.
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