6.) This weekend (I’ve finally arrived to the current events) we had a fabulous Halloween party Friday night. It was the best Halloween party I’ve ever been to! We decorated the house of Patricia, our director in residence, with pumpkins, freaky scarecrows, black streamers, candles, a fog machine, and red Christmas lights. We made a beautiful, traditional, Mexican altar for Patricia’s parents to incorporate the Mexican holiday of the Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). We invited all our Mexican friends, and a good number actually came. It was a costume party and all of the Americans and about half the Mexicans dressed up. We had candy, pizza, cookies that we decorated with black and orange icing, a chocolate fountain with fruit for dipping, caramel apples, and other yummy treats. Lauren and I dressed up as “luchadoras” from the Luchas Libres. Our costumes were awesome and we managed to keep them a secret until we arrived at the party, something we consider to have taken some talent since we’re a close-knit group here. At midnight we watched Rocky Horror Picture Show. Many of us changed cloths for the occasion, since the tradition in the US is to go dressed like the characters in the show. We were all dancing and singing along. I think the Mexicans were a bit apprehensive about the movie at first (it’s a hard phenomenon to explain out of context of American youth culture), and perhaps a bit more when they saw us all in our undergarments, but by the end of the movie, they all seemed into it and said they thought it was ridiculous and random, but a lot of fun. All and all I’d say the party was a smashing hit. I think almost everyone had a fabulous time and it was fun to share our tradition with our friends here. They may all think we’re a bit crazy, but that’s ok too, because they’re probably right. ☺
I guess that brings us up to the present on exciting activities here.

1.) Lauren and I as luchadoras. I was "The Burninator aka la quemadora" and Lauren was "La Aguila" (the eagle)."

2.) My host brother, Moises, and I at the party.

3.) A group of us in Rocky Horror costumes.

4.) The altar we made for Patricia's parents.
1 comment:
Ay Rooney! qué ilusión me hace leerte, aunque sea en inglés y entienda sólo la mitad de lo que dices. Intentaré escribirte pronto, que yo también tengo novedades. Al ver las fotos casi no te reconozco, parece mentira pero en dos o tres años pareces otra... qué raro se me hace.
Un beso enorme.
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