My new haircut.
I started thinking about next summer during the fall when I began scheming for how I could stay in Mexico longer. At the inauguration events for the new telescope I talked to the director of astrophysics about the possibility of working at the institute during the summer. As I was waiting to hear back from him in January, I applied to many astronomy Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) in the U.S.
In January the director of the astrophysics institute here wrote to me with a couple offers: one to work with him on some solar system research and another to work with a collegue on extra-galactic research. I got in touch with the other professor and her project on the formation of galaxies in the early universe sounded interesting.
Just this past week, I heard from two of the REU programs. I’ve been accepted to a program at the Florida Institute of Technology and to another at Wyoming University. At Wyoming University, the same professor that accepted me last year, with whom I wanted to work until I decided to work in the museum in Portland instead, accepted me again. In the past two days I’ve spoken on the phone or through the internet with both professors. I have until Thursday to decide. It’s still possible that other REU programs will contact me during the week as their first choices decline the offers. As of now, I’m thinking of going to Wyoming, but Mexico still has its appeal. I also have my fingers crossed to see if anyone else makes an offer this week. Wish me luck!
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